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Lukas Hofer

Name: Lukas Hofer
Date of birth: 1989
Nationality: Italy
Paraglider: OMEGA ULS
Achievements: Biathlete & X-Alps Rookie


Lukas is an Italian biathlete and has qualified for the Red Bull X-Alps 2023. Due to an injury, however, he will not be able to participate. In 2018, he set a Hike & Fly world record when he climbed up and flew down Kronplatz ten times in 24 hours, collecting a total of 13,040 vertical meters. As a professional biathlete, he won several medals at the World Championships and the Winter Olympics with the Italian mixed and single mixed relay teams.



The first flight is certainly something very special for every pilot. For me, it was a tandem flight from Kronplatz, and a short time later, the first solo flight. Once you have seen the world from above, you want to go there again and again. 


For beautiful flight experiences it would need a whole book, but the first flight over the 3 Zinnen with the OXA 1 was certainly one of the most beautiful!

Your three top flying areas?

The number 1 are certainly at home the Dolomites, but also soaring on the coast and flights over lakes are always special. But there are so many beautiful areas which are to be explored.

What are you doing on a day that is not flyable?

Everything possible except sitting still, this is very difficult for me.

Most important paragliding successes?

Realisation of different Hike & Fly projects and mountain ascents, as well as the former Hike & Fly world record 2018.

Why do you fly for ADVANCE?

ADVANCE has always been a prestige for me since I started flying. Every single flight I feel extremely comfortable with it and enjoy every second in the air. ADVANCE offers an ideal total package for my needs! The quality, as well as the attention to detail & perfection are reflected in all products. 

What is your favourite food?

As an Italian a simple answer: pizza :-)

What is your favourite quote in life?

Two sports. One passion.

Lukas' Equipment